Exciting pre-production stages here as ‘Er Outdoors has been commissioned by Resonance FM to produce six additional programmes following our Resonance FM pilot in April. Wahoooo!
This gives greater airtime to explore a range of themes, histories and contemporaneous activities where women have and continue to make significant contributions to the artistic, cultural, scientific, political and intellectual life of discussions surrounding ‘the outdoors’: geographic and topographical interventions, discussions surrounding nature, landscape and psychogeography.
The first two programmes will complement each other to give an historical and contemporary overview, discussion and context to the work of Walking Women artists and connects directly with an exciting series of Walking Women events and exhibitions happening in London and Edinburgh in July and August respectively. There are also links to the remarkable Walking Library for Women Walking art project established by Dee Heddon and Misha Myers bringing together materials connecting women walking and books.
Estimated transmission for these walking women programmes as part of the ‘Er Outdoors series is early July 2016.
Early autumn will see Geography Workshop heading for some outdoor broadcast adventures, exploring the worlds and work of women in expeditions and fieldwork.
Exciting radio times ahead, plus some early stages of even more exciting cultural productions. Do come back and visit to find out more later in the year …